Curriculum Vitae

  • Sarah Noël

    Sarah Noël trained at Bristol Polytechnic, gaining an (upper second) BA (Hons) Degree in Ceramics. She works from a studio on the Gower coast. Her ceramics are shown in various galleries in Wales and England.

  • Public Commissions

    Ceramic Panel for the foyer of S4C Headquarters in Cardiff

    Ceramic Panel for Gowerton Comprehensive School Music Department

    Numerous private commissions in Wales, England, France, Australia and America

  • Public Collections

    Aberystwyth University College Arts Centre, Ceramic Collection. 

    The Glynn Vivian Art Gallery, Swansea

    Newport Museum and Art Gallery, Gwent.

  • Publications

    Ceramics Series (No 17) written by David Briers, Aberystwyth Arts Centre

    1989 Ceramic Review (July and August) “Raku Today”

    (Exhibition by invitation of Mr. David Roberts)

    CPA Gallery, London

    1994 “Raku, a review of contemporary work” by Tim Andrews

    2005 “Raku, second edition” by Tim Andrews